Wednesday, November 14, 2012

TMA’s 2012 Mock Presidential Election

TMA’s Library was recently decorated in red, white, and blue when it served as the community polling place for the school’s mock presidential election. Students from Kindergarten through Junior High were able to experience the voting process first hand. As students entered the Library, they checked in at the registration table, signed their names on their class list, and received ballots. With ballots in hand, students moved on to voting booths to mark their ballots. Their final stop was to deposit their ballots in our official ballot box, the same one used in past TMA mock elections.

This year TMA even had absentee voting!  Since Lower Elementary students were scheduled to spend Election Day at the Ludwick Farm, all of those students voted on Monday, November 5.  After the rest of the school voted on Tuesday, final results showed that Barak Obama and Joe Biden received 68 votes and Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan received 45 votes. Most students enjoyed the whole process. We hope voting in this mock election will inspire many of our TMA students to become life-long voters!


Special thanks go to Junior High volunteers, who assisted Kindergarten voters, and to Upper Elementary volunteers, who assisted Lower Elementary voters.
Submitted by: Lin Brooks

Thursday, November 1, 2012