Australia Research
In the past
few weeks the students in Room 106 have been doing many researches as a part of
their work in the cultural subject area of the curriculum. The students learn
to do research by finding answers to questions on a research form. Much of
their research work is done in the library where the librarians guide students
to appropriate resource materials and when necessary assist them in finding
answers. The topics that the students have been working
on include the planets, states, fish, porifera and Australia. First year
students start by finding the answers to two or three questions. Second and
third year students learn to use multiple resources to find answers and
information. In addition to the resources in the library and classroom the
students also are also learning to use the classroom tablet. The final step is doing a project to
illustrate the topic of the research.
The students’ crayon resist paintings of fish and porifera are now on
display in our classroom art gallery.
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