Monday, January 4, 2016

Dr. Maria Montessori believed that all humans share common basic needs which, when met, help open the doors for human freedom, respect, cooperation and environmental accountability; all of which are crucial for creating civilizations and establishing peace.

In Lower Elementary, our students are learning humans are born with material needs. Food and clothing are obvious needs. However, humans also have a need for shelter, safety/defense, transportation (land and water), physical health and communication. Regardless of the culture or time period in which a human lives, each of these needs is addressed with a civilization. They contribute to a secure and comfortable existence.

Now is a great time to have a discussion with your child about what (s)he perceives her/his physical needs to be. We live in a culture that tells us that what we have is more important than who we are. Talk with your child about the differences between needs (what you must have to survive), wants (the things that bring you comfort once your basic needs are met) and desires (the things that are not necessary for daily living but you really want them anyway!). Help your child understand how his/her needs are being met and encourage your child to appreciate the wants‖ and desires that have already been provided to them!